
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

turbofire mini rant

I'm going to switch it up for today's post.  Why not?  It's my blog, right?

First off, I want to say that I am not a beachbody coach.  I like their product, I'm happy, but I don't think there are enough honest reviews available from non-coaches.

I've been exploring all things beach body the past few months.  Overall, I'm happy.  I like all the workouts I've tried (T25 alpha + beta, and turbofire), and I'm happy with shakeology.  But there are some things that are driving me a little batty!  I'm not going to get into my loathing of BB customer service (to the note of several phones calls to customer service that kept me on hold for over 30 minutes).  That story is for another day.  Today it's all about turbofire.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

floor plan sneak peek

We are meeting with a builder for the first time tomorrow!  A million things are running through my head.  We do have a preferred floor plan, but there are some things we want to change.  The biggest one being to flip the entire thing!  But here's (more or less) what we're thinking.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What are we getting ourselves into?

It was Christmas morning when R decided he wanted to build a house.  I remember the moment exactly.  We had just filled up our plates with delicious Christmas breakfast, and before I had time to take the first bite he mentioned it.  For me, it came out of nowhere.  Of course I was out of my mind excited.  It probably had a little something to do with having spent the last few hours opening gifts.  But, talk about the best.Christmas.present.ever!

Here we are, a few months later.  I've devoured every Pinterest post and blog that I can find on the subject.  I have a few favorites, but resources are a bit limited on home building.  That being said, I've decided to contribute to the blog-isphere.  I have been playing around with the idea in my head for a few days now, and R knew exactly what I was thinking.  He called this one.